Fast Track Help Desk
Product: Fast Track Help Desk
Company: iiS FM Solutions
Some of the features are as follows:
Call Logging
Call logging has never been simpler. Fast Track Help Desk can record information within seconds as all predictable information is selected from drop-down lists and caller details are retrieved from the background data.
Automatic Email & Attachments
Fast Track Help Desk can automatically email Work Order confirmations to any combination of Caller, Call Logger and Contractor. Attachments can be added to emails, for example equipment maintenance manuals, Health & Safety Guidelines, Risk Assessments, etc.
Work Order Monitoring
Recorded details from the Call Logging screen are automatically brought through to the Work Monitor section. Users can update the status of a job and traffic-lighting is used to show different statuses making an easy view of what to and what not to worry about.
Windows, Web and Mobile access
The software is accessible through a wide range of applications. In addition to a networked client/server set-up, Fast Track Help Desk can be accessed through web-browsers allowing staff the ability to update jobs from any online PC and clients access to view the statuses of work on their assets. There is also the ability to view and update the database through mobile hardware, such as Pocket PCs.
Parts, Labour, Materials and Stock Control
The Work Monitor tabs also manage an extensive array of resources. They contain a record of all parts used on a job and which store they were taken from. Any ad-hoc materials used can also be saved, along with their cost. The contractor/employee used on the job is selected from a menu and the number of standard hours and overtime can be input. The system automatically calculates the total cost of labour for the job, along with total costs for all parts and materials needed.
Price: Not Available
Sector: Customer Service & Support Software
Industry: Service Industry
Function: Help Desk
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