Software by Business Sector
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Software by Function
Service Industry Software
Product: BUGtrack
Company: ForeSoft Corporation
Description: BUGtrack is a professional, reliable, secure and completely web-based issue-tracking and project management system. BUGtrack is fully customizable, has flexible workflow and supports role-based permissions. Open API features, import/export capabilities, spell-checker, rich text formatting, advanced XML/XSL reports (just to name a few). Mail Interface converts incoming email requests into trackable tickets. Project sharing allows to share your project with another company that has a separate BUGtrack account. BUGtrack can be integrated with CRMdesk - web-based help desk, customer service and online support software.
Sector: Data Management
Industry: Service Industry
Function: Document Management
Product: Parature’s multi-channel customer support software
Company: Parature Inc.
Efficiently track, route and resolve issues with Parature’s lifecycle ticket management system. Parature’s eTicket enables you to provide efficient service, increase end user satisfaction, and decrease costs. Powered by a flexible workflow engine, eTicket can be customized to meet the unique needs of your organization. A web-based solution, Parature allows you to start supporting your customers 24 x 7 in as few as three weeks without installing a thing.
Sector: Data Management
Industry: Service Industry
Function: Document Management