
Accounting Software - manageME7 Product: manageME7

Company: manageME7


manageME7 helps you to manage your money 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Just as the expenses do not stop, neither should money management. And with money being a limited commodity (for most of us), it is important to use it judiciously. manageME7 is developed to help everyone who has the need for financial management (and that includes everyone who indulges in economic activity of any nature).

manageME7 acts as a mini accounting software that helps in providing a convenient money management solution to students, professionals, homemakers and to everyone who want to manage their day-to-day income and expenditure more effectively. The features include Reminder Service, Reporting, Budget Limit, Multiple Accounts, Expense Categorization and Multi Currency. The multi currency feature is especially intended for the travelers. You can also earn cash through its affiliate program.

Sector: E-Commerce

Industry: Business

Function: Accounting

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