New software makes money management easier
for SMEs and sole proprietors

Perfios, an online finance management program, has added a new feature, 'My Budget', to its online money manager application. The new feature allows users to plan, categorize and keep a track of their budget.

Perfios provides a complete view to an individual, company, SME or corporate, about their financial status anytime, anywhere. The addition of this new feature that has a strong auto-categorization engine let users to categorize most of the transactions and get real time update as and when they enter the transactions into the Perfios software. The monthly budget view renders a systematic graphical view, which gives a comparison between the allotted budget and the actual expense. It also prepares a comprehensive report on the budget performance.

Mr. V. R. Govindarajan, Co-founder and director of the Perfios, said, "Budgeting is a daily activity for most of us to manage our finance. However, keeping track of everyday expenses and checking whether it abides by our budget or not is a tedious job. Perfios has taken this step to make this essential everyday activity easy for our users. With the budgeting categories and activities automated, this feature will help manage finances easily, without wasting any time."

Perfios has over 3, 00,000 users who have benefited from this online finance management space which helps to analyze, manage and keep track of expenses in an organized manner. Not just personal expenses, Perfios helps in managing all types of transactions, taxes and investments. The software is updated regularly to keep in line with tax and finance laws.

Excerpted from the press release published in Business Wire India.

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